Friday 22 March 2013

Who Took My Picture?

I'm hunting for the person who took a picture of me…ten years ago…in an airport…

   This is an extreme long-shot, but given the global nature of the internet I hope that, eventually, someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone else, may be able to tell that person about this blog and they can get in touch. 

   Around ten years ago (late August/early September 2002 or 2003) I was sitting in the departure lounge of Stanstead Airport in the UK, awaiting a RyanAir day-time flight to Nîmes, in Southern France. An American/Canadian accented woman, in early middle age (possibly), approached me and my sister as we sat on a bench, and asked if she could photograph us. Being a young teenager at the time, I didn't know what to say and pointed her to my father who was sat nearby. They had a brief discussion about what the photograph was for, what type of film was being used (possibly black and white?), the type of camera etc, before she took the photograph of us and, I presume, boarded the flight and disappeared into France and the rest of the world. 

   I've never forgotten this random moment in time and have often wondered where the photograph is, if it developed well, what it looks like and so on. So, this is pretty straight forward, really; was this you, or someone you know?

To recap the main points:

• Stanstead Airport 
• United Kingdom 
• August/September in 2002 or 2003
• departure lounge for a day-time RyanAir flight to Nîmes, (southern) France
• a teenage boy and slightly younger girl photographed sitting in the departure lounge by an  American/Canadian accented, middle-aged (roughly) woman

If you think this was you or someone you know, then get in touch or ask them to contact me via the comments section on this blog, or on Twitter at @HenryWRWhite

Please share this blog and help me find this mystery photographer. #whotookmypicture

Below is a particularly charming (see 'embarrassing') picture of myself in that very departure lounge (from 2003, so possibly the same seat and clothes as the photograph the woman took), rocking double denim, Led Zeppelin inspired hair and one half of my pair of teeth-braces in my lap. 
So, did you take my photograph? 

Updates will be posted below as the search continues